Monthly Archives: January 2015

A Day in the Life

Untold Stories


It’s seven o’clock and Tierkidi refugee-camp is buzzling of early morning activity. It’s food distribution day, and Nyaboth (16) is patiently waiting for the queue in front of her to get smaller.

No one knows the exact number of refugees in the Gambell-region. But we are at least looking at 250.000. More than a quarter of a million people who are dependent on the food that World Food Program is distributing.

The line is moving slow, but Nyaboth isn’t in a hurry as long as she gets what she came for. Four hours later, she has collected all the items her family is entitled to this month. The previous four hours were more boring than exhausting. Now the tough part comes. The 16-year old has to get 150 kilos of flour, maize, oil, lentils and soap back to her tent a couple of kilometres away.

−I have to sell some…

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Have you ever lived?

I can’t help to think that in the grand scheme of things we all are just waiting to die not really living just waiting….waiting to live….waiting for love….waiting for jobs….waiting to feel…when do we really live when do we enjoy the stages in our lives if right after one we are just waiting for the other

Charlie Hebdo. A Seven Year Old’s Reaction.

It begs to ask have you ever stopped to gain insight from a child? Its clear they understand far more than we give them credit for and if they can comprehend what adults fail to in such a nonsensical killing if the message is still passed on then how intellectually challenged are the adults that fail to understand???

The Daily Think

I didn’t get to switch the radio off in time this morning. She heard, and understood (it seems). This was her response. charlie Hebdo

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Hue101-have u ever?101

Have you ever wondered where you might be able to get a honest review of just about anything whether songs, restaurants, bars, etc a unbiased review one that hasn’t been tainted or paid for by the owners of these institutions or not just reviews but a basic list if things that you might think you know but weren’t really aware that you didn’t have you ever played the game ‘have you ever?’ Well that’s just what this blogs about have u ever (hue)101 a blog that introduces and even cements thoughts and ideas that you have pushed back in your mind for far too long its time to live and stop planning.